Friday, December 24, 2010

Third Times A Charm

I finally got it right! Kinda...This was my third attempt at making cake balls. The first time, I didn't know I was supposed to put the cake mixture in the freezer before rolling the dough into balls or put the balls in the freezer before dipping into the was a huge, messy, but delicious disaster. I just threw it all out. The second time, I did everything right, but I didn't cover them in chocolate because I had a stomach bug for 2 days! I had to throw that dough out, too...

This time, I got it right!! Yay! And by the way, these things are a pain to make, but they are worth it!

My red velvet cake baking in the oven...

Mixing the cooled cake with a can of cream cheese icing, then putting in the freezer! :)

And the cake rolled into cute little balls....then sticking in the freezer!
And the finished product! Not as pretty as I would have liked, but I was happy with how they turned out!

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