Wednesday, September 28, 2011

19 Weeks

I turned 19 weeks Monday! Is it bad that I can't remember my due date? It is either Feb. 20 or 21...I am pretty sure it is the 20th so I guess that is what I'm going with...add that to the list of questions to ask my doctor. haha :) What's one day, right?

My belly is finally starting to poke out a bit. My pants are still fitting but are starting to get a tad bit tight, but still no need for the Bella Band just quite yet. I've gained 4.5 pounds so far but I am expecting that number to go up before my appointment next week. I'm still feeling more fat than pregnant and not like the "cute, pregnant lady" that I want to feel like. Hopefully that will change, soon. Finding clothes that cover up the fat pooch is getting hard!

Sleep comes and goes. Some nights I sleep amazing, other nights not so much. Those days I've been known to take a two-hour nap with Bailey. She doesn't mind one bit! :)

Spencer felt the baby kick on Sunday! She (or he) was kicking up a storm and he got to feel her! It was so exciting! I felt her kick through my belly on Tuesday! I can tell she is getting bigger because her kicks are definitely getting stronger!

I haven't had any cravings, but I'm still not a big fan of Mexican food. I will eat it if forces, but it makes me feel icky afterwards. Right now, I can't get enough of apples, applesauce or apple juice. Maybe that counts as a craving but they just taste so good! :)

My next appointment is Monday, the 3rd and...that is when we get confirmation we are having a girl or we are pleasantly surprised to find out we are having a boy! :) Just a few more days!

Not quite 19 weeks and about to head to the Baylor football game!