Wednesday, April 13, 2011

WW Update

I'm starting to get into the swing of things with Weight Watchers. It seriously is not as bad as I thought it would be. It is more eye-opening to how big of a pig I had been when eating. And the sad thing is, I didn't even realize it! WW has taught me a lot about self-control, indulgence and has also taught me how to train my eyes on what is an appropriate amount of food I should be eating for each meal. Sure, there are times when I am at my favorite Mexican restaurant and I just say ok all bets are off I am eating more than 12 chips. The beauty of WW is that that is ok! Just not at every meal or very often - maybe once a week. I am really happy with my decision to start WW!

So, when I weighed Monday, I was at 155.4, which meant I had gained about 1.6 pounds back. (Monday is my weigh day). We had a rough week and ate out maybe one more time than normal and I kinda splurged, plus we had been out of town so it made it difficult to eat healthy. I go weigh myself Tuesday, the next day - because I was so upset about Monday's weigh-in. Tuesday I was 153.8 which was my previous week's weight. Who knows how that happened, but I am glad I didn't gain any weight!

So, we'll be out of town again this weekend...let's hope I can keep up my points!! :)


  1. Good for you!!! Are you doing all this online or are you going to meetings!?!!? Keep it up girl!

  2. Go Em - You know I love WW - have a been a lifetimer for 3 years and kept off my 10 lbs. Weighing yourself everyweek keeps you accountable. I weigh in once a month and still love that feeling that I have stayed under my goal weight. I'm with you 110% but don't lose too much you are beautiful just the way you are:) It's more about healthy eating:) Love, Peg
