Thursday, January 12, 2012

34 Weeks

This past Tuesday, January 10th, I turned 34 weeks. We had one of the best doctor's visits, which I had really been anxious about. At my 34 week appointment with Jake & Ty, I was put on bedrest due to me already dilating and being 85% effaced. We lost the boys that following Sunday. So to say the least, this week has been very emotional and has kept me on edge. I've been doing kick-counts like crazy and just more on edge.

I prayed so hard before our appointment that God would calm my heart and take away my anxiety. At our appointment, our doctor addressed what happened with the boys and how it was just an uncommon thing. He emphasized how well Maddi was doing and how well my body was doing being pregnant. He did a non-stress test on Maddi, which basically measures how much she moves and how much her heart rate fluctuates when I am at rest and measures any abdominal pressures. Maddi passed with flying colors, which he said he knew she would. He is going to start seeing me every week now, just to ease our minds, instead of waiting until after 36 weeks. He also scheduled a sonogram next week just to check up on Maddi and make sure she is growing as she should be. He said all these extra tests are just a "because we can" and just to reassure us that Maddi is doing just fine. He doesn't foresee anything going wrong. What an answered prayer! Not only did we get a great report, God allowed us to have further assurance in the following weeks. I am so thankful at how God meets our needs right where we are. I have been learning that this be fully satisfied in God and place all things at His feet.

As far as how I'm feeling physically, I am starting to get uncomfortable. I have just started to not sleep so great, so I am thankful for an afternoon nap. My back has really been giving me trouble, especially if I am up all day or do a lot. I've gained 21 pounds so far so hopefully I can keep my weight gain under 30...I have been giving into my sweet tooth a little bit more these days so we'll see. :) My exercise routine is pretty much non-existent, besides walking Bailey for an hour about 4 times a week, depending on the weather. I have outgrown the spin bike and I can't keep my heart rate down enough on the elliptical so I just have resorted to brisk walking with Bailey. There will be plenty of time/reason for me to exercise after Maddi is here. :)

34 weeks with Maddi - this shirt I am wearing doesn't really give an accurate size of my belly...too flowy I think

34 Weeks with Jake & Ty
 Sometimes I can't believe I was so big with the boys. Whenever I start to want to complain about how I feel now, I just think about the boys and how much bigger I was and how thankful I am for them, and I try to keep my complaining down. :) This is my last picture I have being pregnant with the boys...

So next week we get to see Maddi! I am so excited and can't wait to see how much she has grown!

1 comment:

  1. My mom and I have been thinking about you and praying for all this past week (as always). Can't wait to meet Madi Ruth! Love you! :)
