Monday, March 19, 2012

Our Baby Girl is Finally Here!

Our sweet Maddison Ruth is finally here! She is such a blessing and ultimate joy in our lives. I can't imagine life without her. Here's our story of how we came to meet our baby girl.

After my 37 week check-up, our doctor decided I should be induced at 38 weeks instead of the planned 39 weeks. "What are yall doing next Tuesday? Sound like a good day to have your baby?" WHAT!? We were pretty much floored. That was in one week! I was progressing very well on my own and my doctor wanted to be more in control of the whole delivery process, given our past history with the twins. We were perfectly ok with this since we have so much trust and confidence in our doctor. So, it was decided. Maddison's official birthday would be February 7th. Sounded like a pretty good day to us. :)

That whole week seemed to go like normal. I did my usual things I normally do. It didn't hit me until we were leaving for the hospital that we were going to meet our little girl that day!
About to walk out the door for the hospital! This is by the crib we have in our bedroom.
 We had to be at the hospital at 6:30am. Since both of us slept maybe an hour or two, we were pretty groggy. Spencer stopped at Starbucks and all I could do was smell it and drool. No food for me! Dumb rules for getting pitocin. I was starving! What are they thinking denying a very pregnant woman food?! The dummies.

We got checked into the hospital and we were in our room by 7:00am. We had two nurses because one was in training for L&D so we got extra special attention. They were so nice, too!
Getting the unofficial birth certificate stamped with my fingerprint! 

The nurses told me to drink lots of water. Spencer apparently thought it was funny I had to drink out of a pitcher. 

 Around 8:20am, our doctor came in with his nurse practitioner to check on things. He got his little station all set up and visited with us for a few minutes. The joke for the morning was I wanted him to make me have Maddison by lunch because I was so hungry. Of course, he laughed like yeah right, keep dreaming. Every time he would come check on me, I would say something funny regarding how much time he had left, to get crackin' on getting the baby out, etc.

I got the pitocin drip started at 8:30am. At 9:00am, both sets of grandparents arrived and they each came in separately to say hi and wish us luck.

Eating a Blue Bell Rainbow popsicle around 10am These are my favorite! Last time I had one I was in the hospital with the boys so I was pretty excited the hospital still had them. :) 
 Around 10:15am the nurses rolled me over on my side and decided to up the amount of pitocin. I was already feeling my contractions but they weren't painful at all, just a bit uncomfortable.

At 10:30am, I got up to use the restroom and my water broke on its own! (Which is a very weird feeling I might add). The doctor originally was going to come break my water around noon!

After my water broke, my contractions started getting painful in a hurry. At 11:30am, when I was 7cm, I asked for my epidural. I was 3rd in line so I had to wait quite a while, or what seemed like quite a while since I was in so much pain. I finally got my epidural at 11:55am, my catheter at noon.

And...after 4 hours of labor, 20 minutes of pushing, at lunch time :) ...Maddison Ruth made her appearance into the world!! She was 20 1/4 inches long and weighed 9lbs 1oz.
Maddison's picture

Spencer holding her for the first time after she got all cleaned up

Our first family picture

After her bath

I love this picture!

Spencer got to hang out with her while she was in the nursery getting checked out and her bath

The grandparents anxiously waiting to see their granddaughter

Worn out :) 

We are beyond excited and so humbled that we have been blessed with such a precious gift. We can't get enough of her. Thank you to everyone for all of the prayers throughout this pregnancy!


  1. We've been waiting for this post for SO LONG! Love it! So happy for you and Spencer. :)

  2. Such a sweet birth story :). Love you guys and can't wait to meet Miss Maddi.

  3. Congrats on the baby! I know it's a little late! You had your precious daughter on my daughter's birthday too :)

    -Emily (Ai) Callegan
