Monday, April 2, 2012

Maddison Ruth: One Month

I can't believe how fast time has gone by. Maddi turned one month on March 7th, which is also my brother's birthday! Maddi had a wonderful first month that was full of many challenging but rewarding lessons for Spencer and I. We have learned so much about ourselves and each other and deepened our faith even more. We have learned we can't rely on ourselves to raise this beautiful little girl - we have to do it hand in hand with God. We are not perfect. We will make mistakes and have already made mistakes, but if we walk with God through this wonderful journey, we can rest in His peace that we are doing the best we know how because we are seeking out God in all things. 

The first few days at home, we figured out Maddi has different cries, but her hungry cry is the most distinct. She throws in a few snorts every now and then! It is the cutest thing! And helps us out a lot to help figure out what she is wanting. 

When Maddi came home from the hospital, she had a little jaundice. The doctor said it was nothing to worry about and that sometimes premature babies can get it - which Maddi was only two weeks early. We had to take her to the pediatrician to check her levels every few days. It was awful. They had to take so much blood out of her poor little heel, but she was a trooper and did great. We had to put her in a billy light for 24-hours around the clock, or as much as she would tolerate, for a few days. She actually liked it! Probably because the light was so warm and she got to lay on her tummy, which she loves. We joked she was working on her tan. :) 

First trip to the doctor
At her 3-day appointment she weighed 8lbs 6oz. At her 2 week appointment she weighed 9lbs 8oz.

Maddi also had her first baby tub bath this month. It went over MUCH better than the sponge bath, although you can't tell in the picture. haha She just kinda hung out while we washed her. I don't thinks he knew what to think. :)

Maddi had some out of town visitors this month that came from pretty far away to meet her! Her Great Aunt "J" came from Wyoming and her Great Aunt Denise and Great Uncle Bob from North Carolina had already planned a trip to Texas before we knew her inducement date so they got to meet her, too!

Uncle Bob and Aunt Denise

Aunt J
 Maddi also went to her first birthday party! I had the perfect outfit for her - a one-piece covered in cupcakes! :) It was also the first time we had taken her out anywhere. We went to our dear friends' house, Christie and Barry, for Barry's 30th birthday and for a gender reveal of their baby! They are having a girl in July!! Maddi will have a friend in the neighborhood! We are so excited! :)
First outing
 Other one-month notables:

  • Her longest stretch of sleeping was 3hours at night.
  • She eats every 1 1/2 to 21/2 hours, give or take
  • She is between Newborn and Size 1 Diapers
  • Wearing 0-3mo clothing
  • Already holding her head up, lifting her head up during tummy time and looking around
  • She absolutely loves to snuggle. She is perfectly content curled up on your chest. She looks like a little frog with her legs tucked under her body. 

Happy one month to Maddison!


  1. I just read through your posts and they nearly made me cry. Maddison is so beautiful and I'm so happy for you guys!

  2. Love all your updates. Maddison is beautiful!
